3 Aspects to Consider When Planning for Drilling of Your Private Residential Well

Posted on: 2 March 2018

One of the things you will need to do before commencing construction of your new house is to establish a reliable source of clean water supply. If your building site is located in an area that is not served by municipal water supply, drilling a private well may be the best solution. Before you can start drilling a well on your property, there are many important things you should think through, including:

Do you require a permit before sinking a well?

Local governments across Australia usually regulate the construction of buildings and other structures on private properties. This is meant to ensure that all structures meet legal and environmental requirements for posterity's sake. Before well-boring, you should find out if you need to obtain a well permit from your local government. Alternatively, you can consult your boring contractor to know which permits you will require and how to get them. Under no circumstances should you embark construction of your well before obtaining all the necessary permits.

What's the intended use of your well?

When it comes to drilling a well for domestic use, water demand varies from household to household depending on the size of each household. Aside from that, each well-owner's definition of "sufficient" water depends on the intended use of the water. Establishing whether you intend to use your well water solely for daily household activities such as drinking, cooking and cleaning or for everyday use as well as performing seasonal chores like watering the lawn and garden can help establish how much water the well should provide. This information can be used to determine the size of the well and the required flow rate. 

Where should your well be located?

You can build your house wherever you like on your property, but you can't drill a well anywhere you like. Choosing a location for your well isn't a matter of personal preference. The appropriate well site will depend on a number of variables such as the quality and quantity of water available, the slope of the land, soil drainage, etc. Generally speaking, you will need to choose a well site that will be accessible for routine cleaning and testing, but also ensure reliable supply of water over the long term. In addition to that, the well site should be located at higher elevations than the adjacent areas and a safe distance away from potential sources of contamination. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to identify the location of your well prior to deciding that of your house. 

Enlisting the help of a certified contractor from the start of your well-boring project is the best way to ensure the job is performed properly. With the right professional by your side, no job is too big or small to be carried out correctly the first time.


Improving Your Home One Step at a Time

If you own a home, you will understand how much work is needed in order to keep a property in good condition. My name is Mark and I live in Syndey, Australia with my wife and our kids. Because we both work full-time, my wife and I find it very difficult to find the time to carry out the renovations and repairs that our home needs. I have been lucky enough to be able to find a contracting company which have sent out men who were able to help us to keep our home looking great. They have taught me an awful lot which I would like to share with you here.

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